Chiltern Rangers Wye Dene Day
Start dateTue 19th SeptemberEnd dateTue 19th September
Start Time9.45End Time15.30
LocationMeet at Chiltern Rangers Depot, Fennels Rd, High Wycombe. HP11 1SL
Join us for a morning of trimming the beech hedge on Ryemead Way, followed by a litter pick in and along the river Wye.
Additional information
We will be working on the green on Ryemead Way followed by a litter pick in and along the river. We will meet at the Chiltern Rangers depot at 9.45am and walk over to Wye Dene. Unfortunately there isn’t any free parking on Fennels Road, there is a pay and display car park next door. The postcode is HP11 1SL.
Please can we ask everyone to arrive on time to ensure you do not miss the health & safety and task briefing. If you are late and the session has already started, you may not be able to join. Thank you.
You don’t need to print off your Eventbrite ticket!
The Task:
Join us for a morning of trimming the beech hedge on Ryemead Way, followed by a litter pick in and along the river Wye.
What to Bring:
Please bring your gloves (we will have spares) and dress for the weather and the task – long trousers are advisable as there is thorny vegetation. Bring a packed lunch and plenty of fluids!
We will supply waders, please let us know your size.
We will bring a tea kit and biscuits.
Volunteering and COVID:
Please do not attend sessions if you have tested positive for COVID or if you have COVID symptoms e.g. a new continuous cough, a high temperature, a loss of, or change in your normal sense of taste or smell.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you want to discuss anything further.